Seniors and e-Giving


Do you know seniors are powering electronic giving now more than ever?

Our case study showcases the top success strategies that led to huge growth in e-Giving, especially among seniors. You will see that these were not complicated, expensive campaigns, but instead were simple, yet effective steps:

If your organization offers an e-Giving program, here are a few ways you can encourage members to embrace electronic giving:

  • Use the annual pledge letter to
    promote giving
  • Include a link to the online giving page in your pledge letter/weekly bulletin
  • Educate members on the benefits of automatic donations
Case Study

Here's a case study from Vanco Payment Solutions, our partner in e-Giving, which shows just how influential seniors can be in driving electronic giving.

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To learn more, contact Vanco for additional e-Giving tools
and resources at 800-675-7430.